Name it
Otvorené čoskoro 09:00 - 21:00
At NAME IT, we are encouraged by children’s straightforwardness and we see the world through their eyes. Our creativity is rooted in the loving and free spirit of children and we dress babies, kids and tweens for every occasion and always with style.
For more than 30 years, we have been creating contemporary and affordable kids and tweens wear, always with an eye on the ticks from the grown up world of fashion, offering the opportunity to create individual looks based on the latest trends.
Name It
New Arrivals
v Parndorf
Naplánujte si návštevu
Designer Outlet Parndorf je od Viedne, Bratislavy a Budapešti pohodlne dostupný. Viedeň je vzdialená 30 minút autom, Bratislava 25 minút a Budapešť 120 minút.