
Kids Fun Area

Visit our rebuild DINOLAND with great Jungle Highlights!


Kids Fun

Unlimited fun for children from the age of 3.
While you are enjoying the best retail experience in Central Europe´s leading Designer Outlet Centre, let your kids go wild at Dinoland.

Our professional childminders run regular activies from face painting to creative crafts.

Dinoland is located above Burger King.

Our Opening Hours:

Monday until Thursday
12:00 - 19:00

9:00 - 19:00


9:00 - 18:00

€ 3,-/hour


Parni goes traveling:

Together we go on an exciting journey of discovery around the globe with Parni. This month we are looking at different cultures and languages. We play games from all over the world, listen to songs in different languages ​​and create things from distant countries. Which countries do you know and where are you going on vacation this year?

World Population Day

Promotion Period:
1 - 10 July

We are concerned with how many people there actually are in the world. People live all over the world and things look different everywhere. Different festivals are celebrated, different things are eaten and different languages are spoken. We would like to record where our little visitors come from and create a collection of different festivals, favorite dishes, places, etc. to see how diverse the world and its population is. Together we design a large puzzle where each child paints a piece of the puzzle, which may then be presented publicly in the Designer Outlet Center.

 Day of Joy - 24 July

Promotion Period 

22 - 27 July

We focus on what makes us happy. To do this, we grab a huge poster and each child draws something on it that makes them happy. And the rest of the time we play and do crafts as we please!

Deal with yourself and your wants and needs
engage with

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