We're pleased to announce that we have installed a Changing Places Facility close to the West entrance, toilet corridor at the centre, which is designed to support families and carers of disabled people who require the use of a hoist, changing bench and/or a centrally located toilet.
In collaboration with the charity, Changing Places, the facility has been installed to the correct standard and provides more space (minimum of 12 sqm) than a normal accessible toilet, to ensure there is adequate room for the extra equipment such facilities require, and room for two carers to easily help the user. The extra equipment in the facility includes:
- Overhead room coverage hoist systems
- Height adjustable changing benches
- Peninsular toilets
- Privacy screen
How to access this room?
The room can be accessed via the Radar key scheme. Guests visiting without a key please speak to a member of our guest experience team located at the south entrance or call 01904 682720.
To find out more about Changing Places, please visit: changing-places.org
We are committed to delivering the best possible experience for our customers and are always working to ensure the community is our priority. Since installing the new Changing Places Facility at the centre, it has been well received by our guests.
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