
Course of a champion

McArthurGlen Troyes sponsors Raphaël Monny

McArthurGlen Troyes supports Raphaël Monny in his his career as a professional boxer. Discover him !


Raphael's challenge

McArthurGlen Troyes is also a wonderful place for encounters and discoveries, in the heart of a territory rich in history and talent.
Troyes and its surroundings are the birthplace of international brands such as Lacoste, Petit bateau, Le Coq, Sportif, who created and built their success and fame there.
It is also the place of life and training for athletes and sportsmen of great talent who dream of success.

Our brand centre and sport have much in common.

Our teams and the employees of our brands, as well as the athletes in our region, are committed to being better, doing better, surpassing themselves and never giving up to make you live an extraordinary experience.

We want to take advantage of this motivation, desire and dynamism to share with you the journey of Raphaël, a young boxer of 23 years old, from Troyes, 5 times Champion of France in English boxing in the category of under 80 kg, whose objective was to participate in the 2024 Olympics. Unfortunately, it could not be selected.
He did not give up, however, and decided to continue his career as a professional boxer.

We have decided to support him in his adventure and we are proud to accompany him and support him to realize his dream, because every day we want to make the extraordinary possible, for you and for everyone!




Raphael, beyond being a sportsman likes to come and shop at the Centre for both sports products and everyday outfits

His prize list



Brain Boxing Academy

La Brain Boxing Academy a été créée en 2022 par Mamadou Bathily. C'est une académie de boxe anglaise installée à moins de 2 kilomètres du Centre à destination de l'agglomération troyenne.
Cette structure a pour objectif de développer la pratique de la boxe anglaise sous toutes ses formes : loisir, éducative, olympique et professionnelle. Il est notamment le coach de Raphaël et d'autres athlètes en route pour les J0 2024.
Après plusieurs rencontres et une visite du lieu d'entraînement de Raphaël, l'équipe du Centre McArthurGlen Troyes a été très surprise par le peu de moyen dont il disposait pour performer comme il le fait.
Au-delà d’une simple aide financière au projet de Raphaël et afin d’offrir à ce champion de meilleures conditions d’entraînement et de permettre, en parallèle, aux jeunes de la région, une meilleure pratique de la boxe, McArthurGlen Troyes a souhaité équiper la salle.
C'est le 12 avril 2023 que nous avons inauguré l'installation de potence sur pieds avec 4 postes, mannequin de frappe réglable, sacs de frappe, poire à upercut en cuir, ring de boxe escamotable, tapis amortissant, cordes à sauter, gants...

épisode 1 - boxing, my passion

épisode 2-An uphill battle



After 2 more than successful fights against a double Olympic champion and a champion of Scotland, Raphael is back to meet with you the challenge of the Pari's Challenge 2024. Raphael returns this year after winning the title of French Champion!

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