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@Aurelien Papa

@Aurelien Papa

@Aurelien Papa

@Aurelien Papa

@Aurelien Papa
Les Andelys: Heritage Treasures to Discover!
Immerse yourself in the rich heritage of Les Andelys by visiting the majestic Collégiale Notre-Dame, a historic monument since 1840. Admire its remarkable Gothic architecture and stunning interior ornaments, reflecting a construction period spanning from the 13th to the 16th century.
But don’t stop there! Explore other hidden gems of the city, such as the Madeleine Washhouse, Sainte-Clotilde Fountain, the Clock Tower, Paugé Tower, Saint-Jacques Hospital, and Saint-Sauveur Church.
Lien : https://www.nouvelle-normandie-tourisme.com/activites/chateau-gaillard/Related topics
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