Celebrating Fashion, Diversity, and Personal Style

The campaign highlights a limited-edition hoodie by Dawid Tomaszewski, symbolizing courage and authenticity. With Marc Kurzynski’s digital artistry, our Designer Outlet becomes a futuristic runway, where oversized characters fuse fashion with modern aesthetics.


"Dress To Be You" is a tribute to the power of individuality. Each one of us  brings something unique to the world, and this uniqueness is reflected in fashion. Whether minimalist, extravagant, or sporty—every style is welcomed and celebrated as an expression of personality. 

As a leading operator of 24 designer outlets across Europe and  Canada, we hope to create a unique platform that celebrates fashion as a form of self-expression while offering a shopping experience focused on diversity, creativity, and the courage to embrace individuality.

Dawid Tomaszewski the creator of the Dress To Be You hoodie design.

Exclusive Collaboration with Dawid Tomaszewski 

"The values behind 'Dress To Be You' align perfectly with my own credo. My fashion is meant to empower people to express themselves freely and without boundaries. For me, fashion is more than just clothing—it’s a creative tool that allows people to make their identity visible. The hoodie we designed represents this freedom and encourages wearers to stay true to themselves," explains designer Dawid Tomaszewski. 


The limited-edition hoodie is available in two contrasting colours: elegant beige with rust-orange embroidery and bold red with pink-purple accents. With its artistic design and intricate embroidery, the hoodie is a unique and versatile statement piece for any occasion. 

Digital Art Meets Fashion

To vividly bring the creative vision of "Dress To Be You" to life, we enlisted 3D and VFX artist Marc Kurzynski (@thatkidmjk). His digital aesthetic adds a distinctive dimension to the campaign: oversized, gender-neutral characters bring the hoodies to life, transforming our outlets into a digital runway. This captivating fusion of digital art and real-world fashion elevates the initiative’s message to a new level.

Diversity at the Heart of EVOLVE

Diversity is central to the "Dress To Be You" initiative and perfectly complements our EVOLVE program, which is designed to make a positive impact in the regions where our centres are located.

Find out more
Digital Art Meets Fashion

To vividly bring the creative vision of "Dress To Be You" to life, we enlisted 3D and VFX artist Marc Kurzynski (@thatkidmjk). His digital aesthetic adds a distinctive dimension to the campaign: oversized, gender-neutral characters bring the hoodies to life, transforming our outlets into a digital runway. This captivating fusion of digital art and real-world fashion elevates the initiative’s message to a new level.

Diversity at the Heart of EVOLVE

Diversity is central to the "Dress To Be You" initiative and perfectly complements our EVOLVE program, which is designed to make a positive impact in the regions where our centres are located.

Find out more


Mangfoldighed og individualitet bestemmer nutidens verden og dermed modeverdenen. Overbevisning, holdning og karisma afspejles i ikke-konforme looks, der er mere end bare tøj og selvsikkert formidler din egen stil til omverdenen.

Vi er gået sammen om et banebrydende projekt med indholdsskabere fra vores fællesskab, der har internaliseret denne holdning til livet og inspireret os med deres forskellige stilarter. En fælles video blev produceret under titlen "Dress To Be You", der fanger influencernes særprægede personligheder, mens de var hos Designer Outlets i Berlin, Neumünster, Ochtrup, Roermond, Roosendaal, Salzburg og Parndorf.


McArthurGlen ønsker at fejre modens mangfoldighed og opfordre folk til at se mode som et individuelt udtryk for personlighed.

Med "Dress To Be You" styrker vi vores fællesskab, som er en vigtig del af EVOLVE*, og fejrer mode og mangfoldighed i lige høj grad.


*For mere information om Evolve, klik her.


For McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Neumünster har @gaiusokami set på modeverdenen på sin egen unikke måde:


"Mode handler om frit udtryk, om at skabe et trygt rum og selvtillid. Med mode kan jeg vise verden, hvem jeg er."

"Mode spiller en væsentlig rolle i min selvdiscorvery, så jeg kan udtrykke mit sande jeg til verden, uden at nogen virkelig behøver at kende mig. "

Har du allerede fundet din individuelle stil?


Kom forbi, bliv inspireret og oplev modeverdenen fra et nyt perspektiv.

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